HLJ Prayer Line

Posted by Ken Moore on Jan 08, 2017 under



Stay Awake


“See then that you walk circumspectly (cautiously), not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  Wherefore be ye not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:16-17

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to drift unintentionally through life? Workdays, school events, social commitments, and recreational pursuits begin to blur together, with days turning to weeks, weeks to months, and months to years. When we finally stop to catch our breath, we look back and ask ourselves, “How did I get here?” and even more importantly, “Is this where I want to be?”

 Christ-like living is something you and I have to intentionally, actively, and alertly pursue with every fiber of our being. No one ever stumbles upon Christian maturity and Christ-like character by accident, nor does it happen overnight.

I believe we can all think of people whom we know personally or respect from a distance that choose to live intentionally meaningful and devout lives, people who bear the fruit of a life spent focused upon Christ and His Kingdom. They are the beautiful souls who view Christ’s likeness as the ultimate goal and aim of their life and are willing to reframe every other desire in light of that pursuit. We are deeply motivated by the humble, simple faith of ordinary men and women who choose to live each day as though it could be their last, eagerly anticipating and hoping for the day in which the Lord returns in glory to rule and reign.

If you’ve ever tried to stay awake all night, you know that the easiest way to stay awake is to remain active and engaged in work that engages your entire person: mind, body, and soul. If you crawl into bed, turn out the lights, and then resolve to stay awake, you’re setting yourself up for almost certain disappointment! The same is true of our life with Christ.

 The best way to “stay awake” in your faith is to stop passively drifting through life and choose instead to passionately pursue Christ with every fiber of your being. Look to the example of others who have stayed awake in their faith and learn from them. If you’re able, seek them out and ask for their wisdom and advice on how to live an intentional Christian life.

Life is too short to let it pass you by. As on famous writer once said, “There is no room to be idle. There is so much misery to alleviate.” May we remember these words when we are tempted to idly drift through life and choose instead to fill our lives with love of God and love of neighbor!



Father, may we stay awake in our faith so that when you return you find us to be faithful and fruitful servants.


Can you identify ways you have drifted off to asleep in your life with Christ?


Related Readings

 Mark 14:38; Ephesians 6:18-20; Revelation 16:15