HLJ Prayer Line

Leave Everything in God’s Hands

“Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou are my servant; I have chosen thee and not cast thee away”. (Isaiah 41:9-10)

Leave everything in God’s hands and eventually you’ll see God’s hand in everything. I have seen this truth work itself out over the years in my marriage, parenting teenagers (three all at once!), career transitions, health challenges, relational issues and financial struggles. As mother’s mom once said “I’m good at leaving things in God’s hands, but I struggle not to take it back into my hands.” I’ve never regretted giving anything to the Lord, but I have regretted taking it back. I’m learning to trust the hands—of the One whose handiwork declares His glory!


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Posted by Ken Moore on Mar 31, 2018 under

                                                                          Fear Blocks Faith

Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on Him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue. For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.  John 12:42-43

Fear represses faith and restrains its recognition. It holds back the boldness to believe; fear is no friend of faith. Fear mistakenly believes it can coddle cunning men while at the same time claim Christ. This is a contradiction that does not stand up under the scrutiny of your Savior. Jesus requires unconditional commitment and unwavering loyalty. It is not all Jesus on Sunday, and Jesus only when it’s convenient the other six days of the week. Covert confession is not an option for a follower of Jesus Christ. Yes, in some parts of the world you have to remain under the rule of atheistic authorities. Discretion is both wise and responsible, but there is no doubt where bold believers stand. Faith is not motivated by fear of man, but by love of God. Faith does not seek to integrate other belief systems into Christianity. It embraces Jesus, and Jesus alone.


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Posted by Ken Moore on Mar 31, 2018 under

What Are You Looking For?


And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God.  Again the next day after John stood , and two of his disciples; And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith Behold the Lamb of God!  And the two disciples heard Him speak and they followed Jesus.  Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, what seek ye?  They said unto Him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master), where dwellest thou?  He saith unto them, Come and see. They came and saw where He dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour.  John 1:34-38


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Posted by Ken Moore on Mar 31, 2018 under

Advancing Through Adversity





Isaiah 63:9


At medical checkups, children periodically need immunizations. Boys and girls may not understand that inoculations protect them; from their point of view, they are experiencing pain—while someone who loves them is allowing it! Such an experience affords a little insight into God’s dealings with His children. It answers one of the questions we often ask when painful things happen to us: Where is God?


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Posted by Ken Moore on Mar 31, 2018 under



The first eleven chapters of 1 Kings record the erosion of a great man, in fact, the greatest of his day. Blessed with royal blood and an abundance of brains, Solomon was a natural for the throne of David. He was tutored at the feet of Nathan, groomed through the heart of Bathsheba, polished under the eyes of David, and matured by the hand of God. The mark of excellence was upon him.


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Posted by Ken Moore on Mar 31, 2018 under

How to Get the Most Out of Life


“And exercise thyself rather unto godliness.  For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.”  1 Timothy 4:7b-8


Godly training is profitable now and for eternity. It does not mean you are some super spiritual person who cannot relate to others. On the contrary, godly means you have the character and sensitivity of Jesus. Thus, you understand and relate to people very effectively. It is not all about you, but about others and their needs (James 2:14:26). You encourage when there needs to be encouragement. You rebuke when you need to rebuke. You teach when there needs to be teaching. The godly know how to laugh, cry, pray, hope, work hard, and trust in God. Godliness comes in all forms.


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