HLJ Prayer Line


                                                   Leave Everything in God’s Hands

“Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou are my servant; I have chosen thee and not cast thee away”. (Isaiah 41:9-10)

Leave everything in God’s hands and eventually you’ll see God’s hand in everything. I have seen this truth work itself out over the years in my marriage, parenting teenagers (three all at once!), career transitions, health challenges, relational issues and financial struggles. As mother’s mom once said “I’m good at leaving things in God’s hands, but I struggle not to take it back into my hands.” I’ve never regretted giving anything to the Lord, but I have regretted taking it back. I’m learning to trust the hands—of the One whose handiwork declares His glory!

Isaiah poetically and beautifully describes the children of God as servants chosen of the Lord and accepted by Him. No need to fear or be dismayed, because the presence of God is pronounced and personal. He strengthens and helps His children by His Spirit and upholds those He loves by His totally trustworthy right hand.  Jesus died and committed His spirit to His Father so He might fulfill the promises of God—salvation for all who believe and the sufficiency of His grace to name two. Faith unfolds by leaving everything in God’s hands and by beholding His hands in all things.  

“Thus saith the Lord, the heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me?  And where is the place of my rest?” For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the Lord: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word”. (Isaiah 66:2)

What do you hold—even loosely—that you need to place in the hands of your heavenly Father? A child, a hurt or an opportunity that is slipping away? Place your fear in the hands of the One whose hand calmed the sea, and He will calm your heart. Leave your hurt in the hands of the One whose hand gave sight to the the blind, and He will heal your wounded heart. Put your financial desires in the hands of the One who owns everything, and He will give you peace and security. Put your personal view in the hands of the One whose perspective is perfect and He will give you clarity.

The joy of leaving everything in the Lord’s hands is seeing the Lord’s hand in everything. An answer of “no” today, becomes God’s better answer of “yes” tomorrow. Just as an effective relay racer places the aluminum baton in the hand of their teammate—make a clean exchange with Christ. Hand off all to Jesus—whose hand is on your life—and faithfully run the race of life with the One who gave His life for you. By faith, leave everything and everyone in the Lord’s hands and begin to look for His hand at work through everything and everyone).

“Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass”.  (Psalm 37:5)


Heavenly Father, help me leave everything in Your hands so I can see in everything the work of Your hand.


Who or what am I holding on to—that I need to leave in the Lord’s hands?

Related Readings

Psalm 89:13, 121:5; Isaiah 64:8; Luke 1:66; Acts 7:50; 1 Peter 5:6