HLJ Prayer Line


 September Prayer List


Names on the Prayer List of the Harry Lee Jackson Jr. Prayer Line (Revised 9/07/24)






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                                                                                            September 2024


                                                                  Prayer of the Harry Lee Jackson, Jr. Prayer Line


Dear God, in the name of Jesus, we pray that the brothers who frequent the prayer line, our wives, children, grandchildren, parents, family members and friends be saved, in good health, favored by you

God, and prosperous in wealth and wisdom. We pray that the men of God on this prayer line continue to seek your grace and mercy as we strive to be “Champions” for our families, friends, churches, and communities.

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                                                                       September 2024 Monthly Scripture 


Ephesians 4:4-6 King James Version (KJV)

4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even ye are called in one hope of your calling.

5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism,

6 one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

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Praise The Lord!!!



Please see lineup for Saturday morning, brothers please keep your chapter reading and commentary within the 20 minute window allowed for each presenter.  We are asking that the moderators enforce this rule in an effort keep everything in decency and order.


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A Blessed Word Received By Elder Byron Cage On This Morning's Bible Study


Praise The Lord!!

Good morning brothers,

Please read Elder Cage's profound God inspired statement regarding this morning’s (6/1/24) Bible study of Psalm 136 - 139


“Take my mind.  Perfect my thoughts.

Establish what’s right.                        

Purge my heart,

Lord, I have longed to be pure in Your sight.            

And if my purpose falls short of the mark,

please search me Lord today”

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The Many Names of God lifted by our February moderator brother Clifford Allen "The Great" Surrett:


1.   ELOHIM-GOD (Genesis 1:1-4)


2.   JEHOVA H-Lord (Isaiah 12)


3.   EL-SHADDAI- God Almighty (Genesis 17:1-5)


4.   ADONAI-Master, Lord (signifies ownership or Lordship) (Genesis 15:1-6) 


5.   JEHOVAH-JIREH- The Lord will provide (Genesis 22:1-14)


6.   JEHOVAH-ROPHE- (the Lord that Heals) (Genesis 15:22-26)


7.   JEHOVAH-NISSI- (the Lord our Banner) (Exodus 17:8-16)


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The Psalm of the Harry Lee Jackson Jr. Prayer Line     Updated 1/24/2024

As Chronicled by Bro. Clifford Allen  "The Great" Surrett


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